Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Journey of a Lifetime

    Well I am 29 years old and to say that I have been on a  journey of a lifetime might just be right on track!   

I meet my soul mate at the age of 15, here in this very church.  I married him in June of 2003, yes if you do the math that would be almost 9 years ago, when I was barley 20 years old.  We were the first out of all of our friends to get married and have babies, so I feel a lot older than I really am.  This past March I turned 29, and I so desperately bad wanted to be 30, after all, all of my friends and my husband would now be in their 30’s and I would still be in my 20’s.  Now being the youngest of my friends is not necessarily a bad thing, but growing up in a church and just having that feeling that people still viewed me as the teen I once was, was hard to feel like I was a “grown-up”. 

Now for the past year, I have been on a crazy journey with fitness, diet, and finding out who I want to be.  What GOD wants for my life.  I was unhappy with my body, so I started to workout and try EVERY diet on this planet, and with little success and a whole lot of frustration, I decided to pick up the book “Made to Crave”.  Liza had the same problems that I was facing on a day to day basis.  She was putting food above God.  She would turn to food rather than turning to God when she was faced with a problem or celebration.  When I read that I said DUH DYAN!  THAT”S YOUR PROBLEM!!!! Why is it when I think about handing something like beauty and self-image over to God, it just seems vain?  Now over the years I have had this problem with handing my life over to God.  I like to be in control, I like things to be done MY way!  When I realized that all I have to do is ask for Gods help in this and start craving HIM over food or anything else in my life, it still was not easy, but with lots of prayer, I was able to hand it over.  I have also been able to hand over other problem areas in my life. 

For lent, I decided that I would not give up anything, but rather add something to my daily routine. Jory and I decided to start doing devotions, making God the center focus in our lives.  It is had being a mom of two young kids, a wife and a Hairdresser, plus a godly woman.  I have noticed that ever since I have let God take the wheel, I have been more organized, more loving, more patient,  and full!  I was made to crave God, now I am being filled with his works and word! 

I have decided that this year, 29, will be the best one yet.  I am still not done with this journey and will never claim to be a perfect, mom or wife, but I do know that God has a plan for me and as long as I keep my hands off the wheel, and my eyes opened, I will be on the right road.  Sure it will have the speed bumps, and the windy roads, but I know that God has me and he might let me bend but he will never let me break. 

I love being a wife, a mother and a daughter…