Thursday, December 15, 2011


Yep NUTS I am! I have decided to not only run the 10k for the Groundhog Run at the end of January, but I have also decided to run the 1/2 marathon for Rock the Parkway in the spring! OY!!! What have I done??

With all this rediscovering about myself, I have gotten a wild hair up my rear, and decided to take something that is hard and that I really don't like doing to the extreme. This will push me to "just keep running" LOL!!! I just watched finding Nemo...I know RANDOM. In all seriousness, I will work my rear off to train for these races. I know I can do it. I am just at a point with myself that I need to push myself to the next level.

I guess this will be the training that I will need to get refocused on my new image. Running is good for you and I am loosing the weight, this will help tone me too!

Yep I AM nuts!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Discovering stuff about me...

Well you all know that I am usually a happy person. I always have a smile on my face that is genuine and warm and loving. I love to make people feel better about themselves and get a smile out of them. That is one reason why I love doing hair. I love the look on their faces when I turn them around and they have a great color and style! They feel good and therefore I feel good. It is like a drug to me. I feed off of peoples' happiness. When people are sad or upset about something, or even when I am sad or upset about something, I try to find the "best" out of the situation. Sometimes, I will tell you it is tiring. I have noticed that with all the weight problems and self-image issues that I have had I still try and see the "best" of it. I try to find what I like about my body and what are my good assets. For is my butt and legs that I do like! ;)

So I have been pondering this today. What does it truly mean to be happy? I know what I do, and I know that I have my bad days just like everyone else does. I am a mom, wife and daughter, and sister. I love being that multidimensional, but I tend to carry the weight of being all those things around too.

When the Hubster man is stressed, I am
When my Mom is sad I am sad.
When my kids are hurting, so am I

Is it healthy to carry all of that? Yes and no! I think that I am such a caring person that I do hurt when my family hurts, and when they are happy I am joyful with them.

I think that I have come to the conclusion that this is just who I am. I LOVE being happy and I would much rather be thankful for the "stuff" that I have been given and blessed with then be stuck in the rut of being sad about the "stuff" that I don't have.

The Hubster and I have been blessed in so many ways that I can't even begin to cover. We have 2 wonderful, beautiful kids, we have a beautiful house, newer cars and that is just some of the materialistic stuff that we have been blessed with. I have been blessed to have such wonderful friends that support and encourage me day to day. I have a GREAT family who loves me for me! I have a God that loves me even though I continue to make mistakes on my walk with him. I have been blessed. That is what makes me happy!

I was telling someone the other day about what we were doing for Christmas. I told him that I am hosting at my home. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my house full of people! It gives me warm fuzzys! I think that I have been given that gift of hospitality.

Going back to the weight issues...I was talking to my Dr today and she was asking me what I think is holding me back from my weight loss!?! I told her I didn't know. I got to thinking about it later and I think that I am subconsciously sabotaging myself because I think that I don't deserve to be skinny. I feel that if I was skinny and had all of the blessings and more that I have above, then I would have everything. I feel that I might make people "unhappy" if I had EVERYTHING!!! Silly ehh?? I have so much work to do on my insides as well as my outside, in order to achieve my goals and be able to keep the weight off. It is a slow process and I know now that I cannot please everyone and right now I need to care more about myself to make myself healthy for my kids and just in general.

So please pray for me in this journey that I am traveling. It has been hard and I know that it will continue to be hard. I have all the tools that I need. It is just another discovery about myself that you would think after 28 years I would know.

So I guess Be HAPPY and Be HEALTHY!!!
Cheers to you!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Revelations...

Well I know it has been a while since I have updated. So here it goes....

Half way there! Yes that means 20lbs down and 20 to go. Yay for me! I will give myself a good clap and take a bow! LOL!!! In all reality it has been a tough journey for me. Since we went on vacation back in September, I have been slowly letting my new "healthy" habits slip right out of the window. I have been sticking pretty good to my plan, but I have been the same weight for over a month now. I have been putting myself in and out of ketosis and that is not a good thing for my brain. By my doing that "cheating" along the way, it has made it REAL hard to stick to what I know works. So here are my Revelations that I have concluded about myself...

1. I am a food Addict. PERIOD! I LOVE food, any food, any time!
2. I am a mom. I have crap in my house that is tempting for me, and that will potentially derail my great efforts. The thing about this is my kids don't really need to have that stuff to, but sometimes it is not worth the battle.
3. I have freed up time in my life, and now that I am not running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I have time to get "board" if I dare use that word. Don't get me wrong, I am still crazy busy, but not insanely busy.
4. I USE food...ex. I am an emotional eater. I eat when my husband is upset, I eat when I am stressed, I eat when I have nothing else to do. This is BADDDDD!!!!!! I don't want to take advantage of food! LOL!! I want to use food for its intended uses. I don't want to eat when I am not hungry, or when I am already full. I want to eat my 5 (small) meals a day and be happy!

The thing is I know what I need to do to get to my goal. It is not hard when I put my mind to it. I can reach my goal by April if I just stick to my guns and not let food take over. I know that I will be able to have bread again, I know I will be able to go out to eat and order anything that I want to within reason. I have to remember that this is not just for me. This is for my kids and for Jory. They are so worth it!
Lanna, my Dr. said to me today that you just have to get so sick of yourself to have that self control that it will take to get back on track! She is absolutely right about it! Even though I am running and working out like crazy, I need to do the other part as well.

I can see myself wearing those cute clothes that Jessica ;) would be proud of! I love her style!

I know if I can be a mom of 2 young kiddos, I can do anything!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

And anothe 4.8 lbs bites the dust!

Yep! You read that right! 2 weeks in and a TOTAL fat loss= 9.2 lbs! WHOOHOO!!! It is working!

I was able to add this week in some veggies and a fruit. I will have to admit that this thing is not as hard as what I thought it would be. Once my cravings for sugar went away it was pretty easy. I have started seeing changes in my waistline. That is very encouraging to me. I am so glad that I am able to put on clothes that I thought were my "fat" clothes.

I have been keeping up with exercising as well as I can. Life has been very busy right now, but I did manage to get in 12 miles on the bike down at the lake and a good hour on the elliptical machine with some weights and abs yesterday. Hoping to hit the gym again tomorrow. I am just hoping when school starts and and life settles down a bit, I can get back to my routine. It has become a part of me that I miss doing everyday.

On a side note...I am SO very proud of my mama! She has just finished her 1st week with Medi and she saw a 7lb weight loss! Half of it was fat pounds! She had a hard time with that first week, but I know that she can do it! I will be right here with her when she needs me! We can do this together!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Done with week 1

So 500 calories/day was not that bad. Well, ok maybe it was...I got REALLY sick of eating just meat. I broke down and ate cottage cheese just for a different texture. I DO NOT like cottage cheese period! LOL!!

So here is my success for week one. Drum roll please...I lost 7 lbs! 4 of those pounds were fat! WHOOOHOOOO!!!! Not to shabby!

I am SO excited to see some kind of results. After all this time, after all of my struggles, I have something I should be proud of.

So the next part will be fairly easy. I will move my Calorie intake into the range of 700-800 cal/day. Keeping my carbs UNDER 30g/day. I get to add some healthy welcomed veggies, some dairy, and good heart healthy fats. The point is to KEEP my body in Ketosis. I will continue to burn fat and keep working out and taking all of my vitamins daily. Nothing really changes, except the fact that I can have a little more added! Still VERY high protein. I really feel so much better with eating this way anyways, so it should not be that hard.

I should keep loosing weight, but more at a pace of 2-3lbs/week. Who knows, maybe I will still continue to loose 5 lbs for the first couple of weeks. We will see! I just know if I continue to feel the way that I do, I will reach my goal faster than I ever thought possible!

You know what is funny?? We went out 2x last week to eat. I did AWESOME!!! I cut part of Jory's steak off for me to eat, and I went to Cheesecake Factory today and had 3oz of Salmon and about 2 oz of shrimp. It was yummy! There was even bread on the table and C had ice cream. Temptations, temptations and I resisted!

So anyways, I know that I can do this and I will be so proud (already am) of my self when I reach my goal!

Ya'll will be asking where D is! LOL!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day #5

I thought that I would do a quick update!

I am on day 5. To tell you the truth I am getting really sick of just eating meat! LOL!!! I know I can make it to Weds! I broke down and had cottage cheese the other night for just for the mere different texture! I DO NOT like Cottage Cheese.

I am in Ketosis now...That is a great thing! I have lost weight, I can tell in my clothes already.

I got in a 5.5 mile bike ride on Saturday morning. It felt great.

Here's to the last few days of just meat eating!


Saturday, August 6, 2011


Yes I am at a desperate point in my life that I am now doing a program called Medi Weight loss! It is natural and what its main focus is, to kick my body in to ketosis, to start burning the fat I already have. Now some of you might think that I am putting my body into "starvation mode" but I am not. My body will react in a way that will start burning the fat vs the lean muscle that I have.

For the first week I eat only 500-650 cal/day. Yes PURE protein. I am about to start my day 4. I will check tomorrow morning to see if I am in Ketosis. Surprisingly I am not hungry by the end of the day. Protein really has a way of holding me over.

After the 1st week, I will go up to around 800 cal/day. I will be able to add a veggie or fruit into my daily eating. But I will have to be careful not to get my body out of Ketosis. That is when my body will be burning the fat. I will remain on the 800 cal/day for the remainder of my weight loss.

After I reach my goal, they will evaluate me and then adjust the calories that I should take in per amount of exercise that I am doing to maintain my weight. It will be a complete lifestyle change. I will be able to eat stuff that I like again, but in moderation. I might not even want to go there...

This is very similar to Atkins, or South Beach diet. It is not hard, except for the amount of calories that I am taking in this week compared to the week before. It is just training myself to eat "proper" portions, compared to the standard portions Americans think is correct.

I am continuing my exercising, up-ing my biking, and running. Cardio also is a good way to bun the fat.

Tomorrow I am planning on riding the Longview Loop. I am really looking forward to it. Also tomorrow will be hard, because it is Mackenzie's 2nd birthday party. There will be so much temptation around. I think that I have just had enough of me being 44lbs overweight that I know I have enough will power to make it through the party without caving. We are also planning on dining out tomorrow night. I told Jory that there is no sense in me ordering my own dinner, when he can just order a "big" steak and cut me a small part of it around 3 oz. So that's the plan!

I will keep you all posted with how I am doing. I will post pictures probably bi-weekly, to see the weight loss progress!

Oh and I AM going to post my weight...YES I am a brave woman. I do not care if you know. I am very open about it.

My first weigh in on Tues 8/9/2011 was 184.4 My goal is to be 140. That is 44lbs! I know I can do this and I want you to be involved with me on this journey. Without support from my husband, family and friends, I cannot do this! So there it is! It is all out in the open!

I will post after my "weigh-in" on Tues!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Sacrifices, that is what it takes right? Have you ever been SO extremely frustrated that you just want to scream? That is how I feel right now with working out and NOT seeing the results of all my hard work. I am just really tired of knowing and doing all that I can and still being the 40lb heavier version of Dyan.

I was at the grocery store tonight and I got to taking to a random lady, yes I am THAT person at the store that strikes up a conversation with random people. Anyways, I was taking to her about her husband and some of the health problems that he was having. I was telling her that a lot of the food that we put in our bodies is just like poison to us. I told her if God grew it that way it is good for us. Aka Processed food= evil! LOL I then looked at my cart and realized I needed to live what I preached. I eat healthy for the most part, but these last few months I have fallen off the wagon.

I think that I need to not sacrifice my health for the food. I guess if I am going to be happy with myself I need to REALLY do as I preach and live the healthy life. THEN I can have the right to be mad and want to scream like a little child when I do not see the results that I want.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Runners Feet!

I officially have "runner's feet"! I have lost half of my toenail on my left foot and my right big toe is bruised! I have been told by star athletes that this is normal for someone who runs! I will blame mine on bad shoes and running downhills! LOL!!! I am not quite the "runner" I wish I was yet, but I am getting there!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So when I started this blog I said that it would be my spot to complain, and to record just what I am thinking along this journey to a "new me." I wish that this entry could be a "wow" one, but it is just not going to be.

This week has been really tough on me mentally and physically. Mentally, I have been telling myself that I am NUTS! That there is NO WAY that I can do this triathlon. Don't get me wrong, I WANT to do this, but with 40 extra lbs on me it is really hard. I am working so hard, but those pounds will not come off! I have tried everything short of starving myself and nothing has worked! Do you know how depressing it is when you see good friends who have just had a baby get back to their beautiful bodies like before they were pregnant, and you are still looking like a cow 2 years after your baby was born? They are Beautiful and I don't want it to sound like I am not so proud of them for achieving that for themselves, but I am so tired of trying stuff and getting my hopes up that it might work and I will loose the weight that I have tried to take off for the last 4 years, and then just having it not work. I just want to give up, but where will that get me? I have the knowledge and the know hows to be fit and beautiful, and I am using that knowledge, but without the results! When I think about it, I know that I will always have to watch what I eat, and keep working out, but it is a real downer when I try so hard and I just can't see anything for all my hard work. I just want to be proud of myself, and when I look in the mirror I am thinking all this work for what?

Physically, I am just tired! Tired of thinking, tired of working out, tired of being busy, tired of everything! Wow that was depressing...I am just tired in general! Maybe that is why I am such a downer today? Oh well, I have to keep going, that's my job!

So I guess for now I will keep on working out, I hope that someday I can be like my dear friends and finally loose my "baby weight" Sorry this entry was such a depressing one, but that is how I have been feeling lately.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yea, not so great!

Well this weekend was going to be my first "lake" swim. I say "was" because I didn't exactly do my swim. Don't get me wrong, I did try. I started off from the house and ran to the docks. That is maybe 3/4 of a mile. I was doing good, I ran down there and was not tired. Changed my shirt to my BRIGHT yellow shirt and walked down to the water! Got in and started swimming. I got a little ways past the dock and then all the sudden a overwhelming fear of drowning came over me. I am not scared of much, but I will have to tell you that I HAD to stop, because of the fear that I had. I am a STRONG swimmer, and I was not tired. I CAN swim at least 1 mile in the pool nonstop. It was just so different than the pool, and the fact that I did not have a life jacket on in the lake like I normally do. I will really have to overcome this fear of lake swimming. I am disappointed that I did not get in my swim, but I just could not get back into the water today. I think that I might get myself a belt that has some sort of flotation on it to help ease my fear. I AM going to do this. I am also glad that I have given myself a year to prepare for it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 2 of 12 week madness!

I started my 1st of my 12 week training for my triathlon yesterday. I plan on doing 3 12 week training sessions, before I do my race.

Yesterday started off rough. I got to the GYM at my normal time yesterday and found out I could not leave the kids because they were at their max in kids corner. So I was all pumped up and ready to go and bust my butt, and then I had to wait. The bright side was that Jory went with me that evening. I did 5 miles and then ran 1. I lifted some weights and then my tummy started to cramp and hurt so I decided to call it a night. I feel like I still got in a good workout.

Day 2 was GREAT! My legs were sore this morning, but I got up and went anyways! Got there right in time to get the kids in before they filled up! In fact my kids put them at their quota. I went ahead and made my reservations for the next two weeks for them at 9:30-11:30 M-F. Now they are guaranteed a spot everyday!

I did about 7 miles on the Bike, about 1 mile on the TM, and 15 minutes on the Elip. I lifted weights concentrating on my legs. I did back as well, as arms. All in all a great workout. 1 hour and 11 minutes. My heart rate was around 160 for almost 1 hour. Good FAT BURNING rate!

Tomorrow I will do 30 minutes on the Elip, and then I will swim for about 30 minutes. I need to give the legs a rest.

I am trying to build up the endurance to go into a serious next 12 weeks of training. Then I can really start building a brick program. No one ever said that this was going to be easy. I REALLY want to do this, so pain is the name of this game. I will push myself further than I will have ever pushed myself. I keep telling myself that that it will not hurt so much if I keep doing it.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

WOW 2 Weeks???

OK so it has been almost 2 weeks since my last workout. That is really weird to me. I have been really good about going to the GYM everyday except for Sunday funday! The last 2 weeks have been so busy, like crazy busy out of my control busy! My bestie got married last weekend and this past week I was on vacation with my family. Well tomorrow it is back to the grind, back to the GYM, back to the eating good again. It will be a tough first workout, but I HAVE to get back to it. I feel like I have gained weight this past two weeks. Not good if I want to look good for my high school reunion this year...So nevertheless, here we go!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oy Vey!

So nothing says get your butt into gear, than finding out that your 10 year High School Reunion is THIS coming August!

I have not see these people for 10 years, and I look a little different now than I did back then. Granted I have had 2 kids, and I am happily married. That is just NO excuse for the way that I look now. You might think that I am being a little hard on myself, but it is the truth. I want to be the girl who goes into the reunion after having 2 kids and looks great! I want to be able to brag that I run 5k's and that I am getting ready to do a triathlon. I want to look that part! I think that Jory looks great! I want to be the Hot Chick by his side, even though he did not go to LSHS.

It is hard to believe that I have been graduated from High School for 10 years now. It seems like it flew by. I am REALLY looking forward to going. I just want to look my best, I don't care if I have to starve myself (just kidding I love food to much to do that) to get there, I will!

So back to the beginning...How many beginnings do I get? It seems like I say that all the time right now. I guess I just have to look at it this way. Everyday is a NEW day! A NEW start!

I just don't understand why this is so hard for me? I tell myself that I can do it, but it seems like I am setting myself up for failure. Almost like I am expecting myself to fail. How do you get it in your head that you can do it without failing? I just want to like me again. I have SO many clothes that I want to wear, and that would look great on me, but I am just not happy with myself and I feel so unpretty!

I was at the Lake last weekend and my good friend PK just had a baby in February and she is already back to her normal size. I am SO happy that she is back and that she is not struggling with weight like I am. But it made me wonder why she did not have the problems and why I do? I don't want to make it sound like I am not happy or that I am jealous that she is back to her pre-pregnancy weight, because I am so glad that she is there. I just don't get it! Granted she is a runner and she works out daily, but so do I... Who knows! (PK, I love you and you help inspire me to get back to ME.)

Well I guess I am just going to have to work that much harder now that I have a 10 year reunion on the books! That means 10 lbs/ month! Encouragement is welcomed!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well this week has not been a good one for getting to the gym. I just have not had all the time I would have liked to have.

I REALLY need to get back on the eating good wagon. I have been so horrible with it lately. I am such a emo eater. I wish that I wasn't, because after I eat something that I should not, I feel awful! I beat myself up because I know better. It is all I need to do.

I talked today with a friend/client about her competing in Triathlons. She had some good tips for me and some really good encouraging words for me. I am even more excited to do it. I might try and sign up for the Smithville Tri instead of the KC Tri. Mainly because the one in Smithville is JUST women. That might be a good one to do as my first. Yay for friends that have done them before. I guess that is all I got. Just keep running, just keep running....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today, hamstring girl has a name...her name is Beth. She is 32 and looks rocken awesome for having 2 kids! I finally got up the nerve to ask her how she does it. How she looks the way that she does. She replied to me that she has been running since she was 16 years old, she goes to the gym 6-7 days a week and she eats healthy. Well I am doing all of that right now. I know that it will take time for everything to come off, but it will! I told her that she was my inspiration and that is what is keeping me going 6 days a week. She was so nice and very humble about herself. So I have a new friend! Yay!!

I feel like I am starting to have a little more endurance when doing cardio now. My heart rate was a little high today, but not crazy high. I really need to get myself a heart rate monitor to wear. I felt like I could stay on the elliptical machine all day today. LOL no not really!

I ran early Sunday morning. I will tell you that it was really nice getting up and getting out the door before the sun came up. It was nice smelling the early morning smells. It was a cold run, but I did get 2 miles under the belt. That put my workouts up to 7 days last week. It felt good being able to say that. I just have to run a little more so it doesn't hurt so much. I have been swimming and doing the bike a little more than running. I just don't like running on the treadmill. It is so boring. I did however download a DJ mix on my ipod. It is a good beat and it kept me going!!

So Running, Lifting, Eating Right and Having a Positive Attitude is how Beth aka Hamstring Girl does it!

I am getting more and more excited for this summer! Yes because it is swimsuit weather :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Seven Days

God made the world in Six days, He rested on the Seventh day.

I look at my workouts the same way. I try and make it to the GYM 6 day a week. I really like it. It makes me feel good, and energized. This week however, I have worked out Seven days in a row. This morning I went out at 5:45am for a run. I was planing on running for 3 miles, but I just did 2. To tell you the truth, I was tired. I really wanted to be in my nice warm bed, because today May 1, 2011, was COLD!!!!!

I worked my abs really good the other day. I am hurting, in a good way today though. They are getting stronger every day!

Tomorrow concentration on legs and cardio. I am still needing to "slim" down. I think that cardio will help me loose the fat.

Okay I am SO tired right now...can't hardly keep my eyes open....must go to bed!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jelly Jelly beans!!!

As I sit here in a "jelly bean coma" I wonder if it is just me or if everyone tends to over eat on holidays? Even though I try hard and try and be good with eating, it always seems to be a trap that I fall into called the "over eating trap" How do I overcome this? How do I not feel guilty about eating all that yummy food that is in front of me? If someone has figured it out PLEASE (as I beg) let me know!

I am home today with Lily and Christian. No GYM yet today. Lily has had a fever all night long, and I am sure that Kids Corner would not like me infecting the other children with her fever. I am hoping to get on the elliptical today for an hour or so. It seems that it gets my heart rate up at a good pace for a good amount of time. That is FAT BURNING time!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Gym...

I love to people watch. That is just fact when it comes to me. It might just not be the best thing to do at the gym though. I start comparing myself and my "fitness" ability's to the person next to me.

There is this one lady who is there every time that I am there. She looks amazing. She is the gal that I said I would love to have her hamstrings, LOL. I just love to watch her workout. She has so much endurance that it makes me want to keep going. I just want to stop her sometime and ask her how does she do it!?

I am slowly turning in to the fitness buff that I have always wanted to be, but is it bad that I want some gal to someday look at me and say I want her endurance or I want to look like HER someday? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have people "envy" me, I just want to be someone's inspiration too. I just have to get the body to match my mindset. I feel like I am there, I am busting my butt everyday except for Sundays. Why can't my body mirror the mind!?

On a side note, I picked up some Vitamin B1 today. That is going to be added onto my vitamin regimen everyday now. It is supposed to help metabolize the food that I eat better. We will see how it works. I will also start taking Iodine. It is supposed to help with Thyroid problems. I am not going to be taking any of those so called 'diet pills', because I think that chemicals with not help me any. Natural vitamins and supplements I think will help me out in the long run.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh So Hungry!

I think that swimming takes everything out of you! LOL I am SO hungry! I had a turkey lettuce wrap for lunch, but MAN I am STILL hungry! Christian is sitting here next to me on the couch, eating some popcorn and oh how I just want to take the bowl from him and eat some! LOL! It is called will power Dyan! I will have popcorn as a snack tonight! Right now laundry is on the list of "to do's"

I guess I will get used to eating less eventually!

Monday, April 18, 2011

5k you say??

I HATE running, but for some reason I have become obsessed with it! I think a lot has to do with running my first 5k back in January. There is really something very cool about running with a bunch of other people. It kinda keeps you motivated to finish. PLUS I am a pretty competitive person, so I like to see if I can better my time. I want to get my 3.1 miles done in 30 minutes or less. I am on my way, but I still am working on it.

I just got done yesterday running a 4 mile, called the Trolley Run. It was for kids that have vision disability's. I went back and forth on running this one, because it was on a Sunday. I have SO many responsibility's at church on Sundays that it is hard for me to miss. With it heavy on my heart I decided to run it. I ran it for a little girl that is so very dear to me. Her name is Phoebe. She is 7 years old and she has a strong possibility that she could go blind. Right now she has a lot of problems with her eyes due to an infection that has attached its self to the back of her eye and brain. She has no depth perception and it causes her physical pain when in bright light. She is a normal 7 year old, except to the fact that she is going blind! I admire her for here strength and bravery! So I did it for her!

The next race that I plan on is the Warrior Dash. Okay it is a little more than a 5k. They say that it is the most hellish 3.1 miles that you will ever do! LOL! Sounds like fun to me! I am doing this one with my Sis~in~law and her Sunday School class. Nothing like jumping over fire and climbing a wall, oh yeah and crawling through mud under barbwire to kick off my training for my triathlon! If that does not sound insane enough to you, then try running this one on July 30th, during the hottest part of the summer in the mid-west! LOL! That sound crazy to me! It will be a TON of fun! I will have to get my inner GI Jane on for this one!

So I guess that I have become a runner, because of my fear of not keeping up with exercising. If I keep signing up for races then I have to train for them, so that mean going to the gym! ;)

Side note! There is this woman at the gym, that I cannot help but stare at her! She is amazing! I want her hamstrings! Haha! Never thought that I would say I wanted someone's hammies! She has a rocken awesome body. I am sure that I would look like that too, if I could just loose the fat on me. I have TONS of muscle, it is just covered by the "jelly" LOL!! **sigh** one day...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

To call it diet or not? I think NOT!!

Well this past week, OK the last 3 weeks have not been that great on the diet. LOL I have not watched my calorie intake and my carb intake like I should have been. You know to tell you the truth, I really have not been THAT bad! I have just been really good about not eating processed foods for the last 3 months and I have not been watching that for the last 3-4 weeks. It is weird though, I have missed my eating good. Tomorrow I am back to being good! That means a lot of fruits and veggies, good lean protein, and not eating late at night. Oh yeah, I guess I should detox the bod, by giving up the diet Dr. Pepper too! I feel so bloated and yucky, even with the amount of exercise that I am doing! Calories in should be less than calories out!

Through this journey, the last 9 months, I have discovered that if I just eat healthy and keep up my workouts, I feel SO much better! It really has become a lifestyle change for me. I love the way that we eat now and my kids are learning healthy habbits too! I love that Christian asks for more Broccoli at dinner, and that both of them scarf down fish! I love love love that! I just want to be a good example for them. I want them to look back and say later in life, Mom always ate good and tried to be healthy. I want them to get used to going to the gym, and know that it is improtant to be healthy and fit.

I am done with Fad diets, cause they just don't work! I just want to be healthy!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Good Dy!

Well despite me not getting to the gym today, I got in 1 mile on the treadmill, not to mention that I walked around the Mall with little girl tonight for almost 3 hours! Swimming tomorrow!!!!

I got some funky new gloves to swim in and some goggles too. My eyes did not like the pool so much! I plan on swimming 1 mile tomorrow. I do have a busy day, but if I can get 3 miles in as well that would be great!
Jory is gone this weekend with little man so it is just the girl and me! It is supposed to be 90* tomorrow, might have to run my loop outside!
The Trolley run is next weekend, running the 5k! I am trying to get my mile down to 11 minutes! I had a good pace at 12 today, but I think that I can get it down!
That's all I know for now!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Start

Well this is IT, I have had it! I am so tired of being in this new 'mom' body that I have.

To start, I have been seeing a Personal Trainer for the past 9 months. I have learned SO much from him, and have built up confidence and muscle. I have struggled with loosing the fat though. It is so discouraging that after all of my hard work and changing of the "diet" I have not lost any weight! OY! Well I had to say goodbye to my trainer, (not his fault) for $ purposes, and now I am on my own. I was scarred at first, but now I am determined to finish what I set out to do 9 months ago.

With the know how that Kent (my trainer) gave me, I will start training for my first Triathlon! I will plan on doing the KC Tri Sprint in 2012!

This will be my crazy journal of my journey! Haha! Stick with me as some of it will be complaining and griping, but all in all it will be real!