Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oy Vey!

So nothing says get your butt into gear, than finding out that your 10 year High School Reunion is THIS coming August!

I have not see these people for 10 years, and I look a little different now than I did back then. Granted I have had 2 kids, and I am happily married. That is just NO excuse for the way that I look now. You might think that I am being a little hard on myself, but it is the truth. I want to be the girl who goes into the reunion after having 2 kids and looks great! I want to be able to brag that I run 5k's and that I am getting ready to do a triathlon. I want to look that part! I think that Jory looks great! I want to be the Hot Chick by his side, even though he did not go to LSHS.

It is hard to believe that I have been graduated from High School for 10 years now. It seems like it flew by. I am REALLY looking forward to going. I just want to look my best, I don't care if I have to starve myself (just kidding I love food to much to do that) to get there, I will!

So back to the beginning...How many beginnings do I get? It seems like I say that all the time right now. I guess I just have to look at it this way. Everyday is a NEW day! A NEW start!

I just don't understand why this is so hard for me? I tell myself that I can do it, but it seems like I am setting myself up for failure. Almost like I am expecting myself to fail. How do you get it in your head that you can do it without failing? I just want to like me again. I have SO many clothes that I want to wear, and that would look great on me, but I am just not happy with myself and I feel so unpretty!

I was at the Lake last weekend and my good friend PK just had a baby in February and she is already back to her normal size. I am SO happy that she is back and that she is not struggling with weight like I am. But it made me wonder why she did not have the problems and why I do? I don't want to make it sound like I am not happy or that I am jealous that she is back to her pre-pregnancy weight, because I am so glad that she is there. I just don't get it! Granted she is a runner and she works out daily, but so do I... Who knows! (PK, I love you and you help inspire me to get back to ME.)

Well I guess I am just going to have to work that much harder now that I have a 10 year reunion on the books! That means 10 lbs/ month! Encouragement is welcomed!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well this week has not been a good one for getting to the gym. I just have not had all the time I would have liked to have.

I REALLY need to get back on the eating good wagon. I have been so horrible with it lately. I am such a emo eater. I wish that I wasn't, because after I eat something that I should not, I feel awful! I beat myself up because I know better. It is all I need to do.

I talked today with a friend/client about her competing in Triathlons. She had some good tips for me and some really good encouraging words for me. I am even more excited to do it. I might try and sign up for the Smithville Tri instead of the KC Tri. Mainly because the one in Smithville is JUST women. That might be a good one to do as my first. Yay for friends that have done them before. I guess that is all I got. Just keep running, just keep running....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today, hamstring girl has a name...her name is Beth. She is 32 and looks rocken awesome for having 2 kids! I finally got up the nerve to ask her how she does it. How she looks the way that she does. She replied to me that she has been running since she was 16 years old, she goes to the gym 6-7 days a week and she eats healthy. Well I am doing all of that right now. I know that it will take time for everything to come off, but it will! I told her that she was my inspiration and that is what is keeping me going 6 days a week. She was so nice and very humble about herself. So I have a new friend! Yay!!

I feel like I am starting to have a little more endurance when doing cardio now. My heart rate was a little high today, but not crazy high. I really need to get myself a heart rate monitor to wear. I felt like I could stay on the elliptical machine all day today. LOL no not really!

I ran early Sunday morning. I will tell you that it was really nice getting up and getting out the door before the sun came up. It was nice smelling the early morning smells. It was a cold run, but I did get 2 miles under the belt. That put my workouts up to 7 days last week. It felt good being able to say that. I just have to run a little more so it doesn't hurt so much. I have been swimming and doing the bike a little more than running. I just don't like running on the treadmill. It is so boring. I did however download a DJ mix on my ipod. It is a good beat and it kept me going!!

So Running, Lifting, Eating Right and Having a Positive Attitude is how Beth aka Hamstring Girl does it!

I am getting more and more excited for this summer! Yes because it is swimsuit weather :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Seven Days

God made the world in Six days, He rested on the Seventh day.

I look at my workouts the same way. I try and make it to the GYM 6 day a week. I really like it. It makes me feel good, and energized. This week however, I have worked out Seven days in a row. This morning I went out at 5:45am for a run. I was planing on running for 3 miles, but I just did 2. To tell you the truth, I was tired. I really wanted to be in my nice warm bed, because today May 1, 2011, was COLD!!!!!

I worked my abs really good the other day. I am hurting, in a good way today though. They are getting stronger every day!

Tomorrow concentration on legs and cardio. I am still needing to "slim" down. I think that cardio will help me loose the fat.

Okay I am SO tired right now...can't hardly keep my eyes open....must go to bed!