Thursday, March 1, 2012

Made To Crave...

So I have decided that I cannot do this whole crazy get to a healthier, more beautiful ME without help. I have a friend named Kelly that has recommended a book to me, called 'Made To Crave'. It is a book about this ladies journey through her weight loss struggles. I started reading it last night, and the introduction kinda knocked the breath away from me...I felt like I was shown a mirror and I was staring at MY own story. It is a book about putting your 'cravings' into what we were meant to crave, God.
With Lent here, we have already decided to put God first in our family. Really focus on what HE wants for our family, really trying to draw closer to Him on a more personal level. So this book is right up my alley.
She talks about how she was 'loving' food MORE than she was 'loving' God. How we are meant to have cravings and that is normal, but what we are designed for is to crave HIM not FOOD. Simple right?? Yeah RIGHT!!! I love God, but I also love do I admit that I have been putting food over God? Man oh man, I felt VERY convicted last night. I woke up with a new attitude this morning. I AM GOING TO PUT GOD FIRST!!!! It is NOT an option! Food can NEVER replace what God can provide for me. A satisfaction of being 'full', but not being full in the wrong ways, but the good ways. She told us what she did when she started craving something that she was not supposed to eat. She prayed, and she prayed often, because she craved often. She also said that it was not without tears that she had many times locking herself in her closet because it was so hard to 'give up' what she desired most right then. After a few days she was not craving as much and it was easier to pray.
Why is food such an addiction to me vs someone else? OR is everyone like this and we each deal with it in a different ways?? All I know is that I struggle with this and I feel like food is my crack, my heroin, my alcohol, and I cannot get rid of the addiction on my own. I need God's help with it.
So with all of this said, I know what I am needing to do. I NEED to surrender all of this to Him. I need to let go and let Him take away my 'need' for food. I think that the first step in all of this is recognizing that I am needing to let go and I DID do that last night. Today has been a good day so far, I know that it will take time to be rid of the 'want' for food and to use it for what it is intended for, but with God's help, actually God's control I can do this.

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