Monday, June 4, 2012

Crash Diet?!?!

This morning I weighed in at 172 lbs.  YES, I just told you my weight.  I wanted to tell you because I really don't care if you know, it might make it easier at the end of the two weeks to see how much I really did loose.  
Today is day 1 of the KC Chiefs egg diet.  Yes it is a 'crash' diet, I know I will not be able live my life on just eggs, but what I am hoping to do during this 2 week diet, is to turn off the 'sugar triggers' that give me the cravings that I have ALL the time.  

Jory and I are going to the Lake of the Ozarks in two weeks.  I will be on my boat, around a bunch of pretty people, and I want to feel good about how I look and feel.  I think that by giving my body the MUCH needed chemical change it needs will get me back on track.  

I have said before, that I really don't care what the # on the scale says, and that is still true, but when I have seen that I have gained back 10 of the 20 pounds back that I have lost, it gets me down.  

Today is the day that I WILL have success! 

So here it case you are wondering what I am following for the next 2 weeks! 

No oils on salads; tea or coffee – always black; meat – never fried; no eating between meals.
Use little or no salt.
Drink a lot of water.
DO NOT ADD OR SUBTRACT FROM THIS DIET! It must be followed rigidly.  It is based on a chemical change.  The quantity of food eaten is not the important factor.  What is perative for proper results is that you eat each of the foods listed at the prescribed time.  If for some reason you must go off the diet, you must start again from the beginning.
Day One:          Breakfast -       3 eggs, grapefruit, coffee or tea
                        Lunch –            3 eggs, tomatoes, coffee or tea
Dinner –           3 eggs, combination salad, one piece of dry toast, grapefruit, coffee or tea
Day Two:         Breakfast –       1 or 2 eggs, grapefruit, coffee or tea
                        Lunch –            1 or 2 eggs, tomatoes, spinach, coffee or tea
Dinner –           steak, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, black olives, cucumbers, coffee or tea  
Day Three:       Breakfast –       1 or 2 eggs, grapefruit, coffee or tea
                        Lunch –            1 or 2 eggs, tomatoes, spinach, coffee or tea
Dinner –           2 lamb or pork chops, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, coffee or tea
Day Four:         Breakfast -       1 or 2 eggs, grapefruit, coffee or tea
                        Lunch –            combination salad, grapefruit, coffee or tea
                        Dinner –           eggs, cottage cheese, spinach, dry toast, coffee or tea
Day Five:          Breakfast –       1 or 2 eggs, grapefruit, coffee or tea
                        Lunch –            fruit salad (use fresh fruit only)
                        Diner –             steak, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, coffee or tea
Day Six:           Breakfast –       1 or 2 eggs, grapefruit, coffee or tea
                        Lunch –            fruit salad (use fresh fruit only)
                        Dinner –           steak, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, coffee or tea
Day Seven:       Breakfast –       1 or 2 eggs, grapefruit, coffee or tea
Lunch –            cold chicken (broiled or baked), tomatoes, cucumbers, coffee or tea
Dinner –           vegetable soup, chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, coffee or tea
Follow this diet for only two weeks.  You will have lost 20 pounds in this time.  During this time, you will have diminished your appetite, but remember, stay away from candy and the like.  You may not lose 10 pounds each week, but you will lose a total of 20 pounds in two weeks. 


  1. wow that is a lot of eggs. and i love eggs but after awhile even i think i would get tired of them. i'm sure by the end you will have all sorts of great egg recipes! Good luck and I can't wait to hear how it goes and if it works.


  2. I <3 U always. I am on Team Dyan!!! YOU can DO it!!! I'm here for whatever encouragement you can need. I will not give you any NEGATIVE words, only ENCOURAGING words, 'cuz I am your Mom and I love you always and forever. What can I do to help you?

  3. What are the prescribed times to eat the meals?

  4. What are the prescribed times to eat the meals?

  5. Do we have to exercise or workout at all during the diet?

  6. Do we have to exercise or workout at all during the diet?

  7. You eat the meals whenever you normally eat. I also think you should be careful not to exercise too much as your body may be a little weaker. I am on the morning of day 4 and have lost 8lbs. I missed a day of blood pressure medicine and was on my feet all weekend so I had gained 4lbs. That Monday I started the diet AND took my medicine which makes me urinate and I got rid of 4lbs. Since then I have lost 4lbs more.

  8. How do I cook the meat if you can't fry it

  9. Can you put dressing on your salad and can use cooking spray for your eggs
